Hamilton Memorial Hospital and Family Clinics have a broad offering of family medicine and specialty care that is available to our Hamilton County and surrounding communities.

Scroll down to see all providers or use the links in the right navigation bar.

Providers with * are Employees of Hamilton Memorial Hospital. All other providers listed below are independently contracted providers with privileges to treat patients at Hamilton Memorial Hospital, but are not employees of Hamilton Memorial Hospital.

Internal Medicine / Family Practice

Specialty Providers

General Surgery & Wound Healing Center

Rodney Miller, M.D.

Independent Contractor- McLeansboro and Carmi Family Clinics. For appointments call 618.643.2988.


Tyler Wishau, DPM

St. Mary’s Good Samaritan Medical Group Podiatric Surgeon (Foot and Ankle Specialist) McLeansboro Family Clinic. First Wednesday of the month. For appointments, call 618.899.3980.


Douglas Sheffer, M.D.

St. Vincent’s Medical Group – McLeansboro and Carmi Family Clinics. For appointments, call 812.473.2642.

Kidney Care

Kevin C. Chen, M.D.

Advanced Kidney Institute, LLC kidney disease, blood or protein in urine, high blood pressure, kidney stones, swelling/edema McLeansboro Family Clinic Second Thursday of the month For appointments, call 618.997.8412.

Sleep Lab

Sajjan Nemani, M.D.

Sleep disorder evaluation and treatment, sleep apnea, snoring, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, sleep-wake schedule issues, narcolepsy For appointments, call 618.533.8700.